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Posts published in May 2019

Iron Horse Run Subdivision – What is the real plan?

Iron Horse Run, a proposed new subdivision, is on the agenda of the upcoming Platting Board meeting.  The meeting is June 6, 2019. This is land that is currently owned by the Alaska Mental Health Trust.  It is over three thousand acres total and the Rail Spur goes through it.…

Mat-Su Borough Employee Salaries & Benefits for FY2017

The Alaska Policy Forum has gathered and posted MSB employee salaries & benefits for FY2017. Here is the link to the post: Go to Alaska Policy Forum dot ORG. Here is the downloaded data: Mat-Su-Employee-Earnings-2017 Here are some highlights: Manager and Assistant Manager and “Internal Auditor”: Attorney and Deputy Attorney:…

The Original Borough Budget (1964)

Here is the original 1964 Mat-Su Borough Budget.  It totaled $163,475.00 Click below to see entire document: 64budget Summary page: Here is one of the very first Ordinances which sets the compensation for Borough Assembly members and the Borough Chairman.

Animal Control Cost Comparison

The Mat-Su Borough spends almost $2.6 million each year for “Animal Care & Regulation.” We have a total of 14 FTEs and one animal shelter. The MSB’s population is 106,532.  If you divide the total animal care/regulation budget ($2,574,385) by our population (106,532), you get $24.165. Thus, the MSB is…

The MSB Animal Control Budget – Is it out of control?

Here is the Manager’s Proposed Budget for the Animal Care & Regulation Division for FY 2020. The MSB budget will be debated at Assembly meetings over the next few weeks. The total budget for this division is almost $2.6 million.  About $2 million of this amount is for salaries, wages…

The “Throne of Power”

Yes, the MSB actually used this terminology to refer to the Manager’s office in an Information Memorandum a couple of years ago. IM No. 17-121 was issued to justify Ordinance 17-086.  This ordinance moved Purchasing from the Capital Projects Department to the Manager’s Office.  Previously, Purchasing came under the purview…

What is wrong with tap water?

I sent the following email to the Mat-Su Assembly members this morning: Hello All, I noticed these BID solicitation documents on the MSB website today.  Supply and Deliver Bottled Water to all the MSB buildings.  So much bottled water – esp. for the Dorothy Swanda Jones building. The estimated cost…