The MSB has finally issued an RFP for a septage facility. Actually, the MSB ideally wants a combined Septage and “Waste to Energy” facility.
A septage treatment plant has been DECADES in the discussion and planning stages. Literally. Ask Helen Munoz, the “Sewer Lady,” who has been advocating for one since the 1970s.
As it stands, all septic trucks have to trek into Anchorage to dump their contents at the City of Anchorage’s facility. However, Anchorage is going to be closing the Turpin Road entrance very soon and thus, the Mat-Su Septic trucks are going to have to drive a lot further to the South Anchorage location. With our growing population and almost total reliance on septic tanks, it is way past time for the Mat-Su Valley to have its own septage facility.
The catch with this long-awaited RFP is – the “winning” bidder (if there is one) has to figure out the financing. Plus obtain all permits, build it, and operate it. The MSB will be providing the location at the landfill but no funds. After an agreed upon period of time, the MSB wants to be able to take over ownership of the facility for $1.
The Matsumuckraker is a bit skeptical that any company is going to bid on this project. But we shall see.
The RFP documents are voluminous and can be found on the MSB’s website under “Economy” and “All Contracts.”
Here are a few highlights: