(4/10/18) Update: The MSB is still working hard on the Wolf Lake Plan. Here is a map they made (dated 3/15/18) for the proposed Wolf Lake Aviation Overlay District. There is a Joint Planning Commission/Platting Board meeting tonight (March 5, 2018) at 6 p.m . in the Assembly Chambers. Here…
“Certificates of Participation”. These are loans that the public does NOT get to vote on. Unlike bonds, only the Assembly has to approve COPs. These are a fairly new financial instruments. The MSB owes $20 million for these type of loans. And the MSB is considering borrowing more money via…
This is the new Gateway Visitor Center. Or it will be the Gateway Visitor Center if the MSB ever actually builds it. This beautiful facility was designed by Wolf Architecture (based in Palmer). This project has been in the works for years. The MSB obtained the land on the Glenn…
The last active tenant at Port MacKenzie is leaving. Alutiiq Manufacturing Contractors LLC (AMC) manufactured modular buildings and transported these buildings to the North Slope and rural communities in Alaska, both by road and across Port MacKenzie’s docks. In exchange for letting AMC out of its lease early, the MSB…
This chart is part of the MSB Manager’s 2018 budget presentation. Properties that are used for educational, religious, or charitable purposes are not assessed any property taxes at all. (Interestingly, private air strips are also exempt from any property taxes if the owner allows public use.) The Mat-Su Borough offers…
UPDATE: This aviation plan cost $457,170. Here is the note from the April 21, 2015, MSB Assembly meeting approving the contract amount. The MSB Assembly will take up the new Mat-Su Regional Aviation System Plan (“RASP”) at their March 6, 2018 Assembly meeting. The MSB Manager is recommending…
The Mat-Su School Board, at its regular meeting last night (Feb 21, 2018), approved various changes to its policies and procedures manual. Background: The School Board Policy Committee, a subcommittee of the School Board, is tasked with reviewing and suggesting updates to the School Board’s Policy manual on a periodic…
The MSB owns and manages five public libraries: Sutton, Big Lake, Willow, Talkeetna, and Trapper Creek. However, the busiest public libraries in the Mat-Su Valley – the Palmer library and the Wasilla library – are owned and operated by the cities of Palmer and Wasilla. Note: The Mat-Su Valley has…
What is the MSB up to with regard to commercial timber harvests? Is the MSB planning to allow select companies to harvest our timber for commercial sale? Do the people of the MSB, especially those living in the northern part of the borough, want to allow commercial timber harvests? Current…
Here is a photo of the “Port MacKenzie” Terminal Building which was completed in 2006 at a cost of $4.5 million. It is a 7,000 sq foot building with a terminal set up downstairs and office space upstairs plus kitchenette and showers and full utilities. It is for lease to…