The United States Attorney’s Office issued a press release last week announcing that “Jay Osmond Gardner” of Wasilla has been charged with the federal crimes of identity theft and false statements.
The Affidavit filed in Federal Court to support the arrest warrant gives details of Mr. Gardner’s possible connection to two murder investigations in the Mat-Su Valley. These investigations are: the case of Daniel Buckwalter who has been missing since 2015 and the more recent triple murder in the Wasilla area in November, 2019. See more below.
NOTE: Thanks to the AK Court Cases Bot Twitter Account for paying for, downloading and sharing this court document from the federal courts’ PACER system.

Mr. Gardner has been arrested and is in custody in Anchorage.

Here is the detailed Affidavit:

Daniel Buckwalter, who resided in Big Lake, is still listed as MISSING by the Alaska State Troopers:

Update – Mr. Gardner has been charged with the murder of Daniel Buckwalter.
The Wasilla triple murder noted in the Affidavit refers to this case, which is still unsolved:

Although a man was taken into custody, he has not been charged with any of the murders:

The family members of the victims are still searching for answers. This notice was posted recently on Facebook in several local groups:

Truth Justice and Closure for these families!
I am his wife since 1994 and I am always looking for an answer as to where he might be Since we had several family and friends I will always remember how he did his best to take care of me I am so thankful for the support of all my new found friends for keeping me safe and I am looking forward to getting Married again Now that I am a loving dedicated Widow God Bless Our Family
May he rest in peace. I am so sorry for the loss of him in your life. I always will remember him from when he was missing in Alaska. He was a great man and he did nothing to deserve this end. May justice prevail, my dear lady.
May Mr. Buckwalter always rest in peace.
Dan Was a druggy and a thief. stole a triumph 500 from me 30 years ago. I figured something bad happened to him. Helluva way to leave the planet…
[…] Suspect charged with impersonating his sister has ties to two murder investigations in the Mat-Su Va… […]