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Posts tagged as “#thedeepborough”

This “Land Exchange” proposal is malodorous

Here is a brand new Public Notice that was published in the local newspaper and on the MSB’s website today. The MSB is proposing a land exchange of borough land located in Trapper Creek to offset the MSB’s purchase of the Tommy Moe building in downtown Wasilla.  Comments are due…

The Game of Clue

A lot of interesting stuff has been happening in the MSB this Spring. We should all try to figure out exactly what the MSB is up to because the MSB never, ever discloses an entire plan up front so people have to play a GUESSING GAME. Here are some clues:…

The MSB’s secret contract with Sean Parnell

The MSB, without Assembly approval and without public disclosure, hired former Governor Sean Parnell to work as a consultant on “Port, Rail and Economic Development” from the summer of 2016 to the summer of 2018.  Mr. Parnell was paid over $100,000. 2016 Borough Contract 2017.2018 Purchase Order No_ Contract Amendment…

#The Deep Borough

Here is an astute observation from a “Borough Budget Watch” participant about the MSB’s overall lack of transparency and the “behind the scenes” maneuvers of the Manager, Attorney, and Mayor etc:

“How stuff really works in the Mat-Su Valley” (An example)

This is how stuff really works in the Mat-Su Valley.  Everything is done “behind the scenes.” This memo was not released by the MSB or the MSHF. Luckily, the City of Wasilla is a bit more transparent and so it was included in a meeting packet. NOTE: Of course the…

MSB paid former Governor Sean Parnell’s firm NavNorth $103,500 for consulting work

The MSB hired former Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s firm “Navigate North Consultants, LLC” (known as NavNorth) for “consulting work” at a cost of $4500 per month. Public records I received yesterday show that the first payments were made to NavNorth in July of 2016 and the last payment was made…

“Okay, but this is the very last one”…A Plat in six acts

This is the story of a plat and the platting process. Most of the documents can be found in this packet:  packet-20171207 stone creek The Setting Bogard Road is becoming more and more congested because seven schools, including the three largest Mat-Su Borough high schools – Palmer, Colony, and Wasilla – are…