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Posts tagged as “Gov Sean Parnell contract”

The secret Parnell contract was not a secret claims MSB Manager Moosey in an interview with his PR Agent (AKA the Frontiersman’s Publisher)

Dennis Anderson, the Frontiersman newspaper’s Publisher (who recently relocated to Colorado but still works for Wick Publishing which owns the Frontiersman), is MSB Manager Moosey’s “go to” person for Public Relations. Mr. Anderson’s “Publisher’s Notebook” column, which runs in the Frontiersman and its sister newspaper, the Anchorage Press, often features…

The MSB’s secret contract with Sean Parnell

The MSB, without Assembly approval and without public disclosure, hired former Governor Sean Parnell to work as a consultant on “Port, Rail and Economic Development” from the summer of 2016 to the summer of 2018.  Mr. Parnell was paid over $100,000. 2016 Borough Contract 2017.2018 Purchase Order No_ Contract Amendment…

Is the MSB trying to SELL the PORT?

A source just told me that Sean Parnell and his consulting company NavNorth were hired by the MSB to SELL THE PORT. (The MSB paid NavNorth $103,500 from July 2016 – July 2018. I have been awaiting more public records to find out exactly what NavNorth did for all this…

MSB paid former Governor Sean Parnell’s firm NavNorth $103,500 for consulting work

The MSB hired former Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s firm “Navigate North Consultants, LLC” (known as NavNorth) for “consulting work” at a cost of $4500 per month. Public records I received yesterday show that the first payments were made to NavNorth in July of 2016 and the last payment was made…