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The West Susitna Road Project is proceeding full steam ahead

The MSB and State of Alaska are going full steam ahead on the West Susitna Road project.

NOTE: If you are a property owner in this area, keep an eye on this project. From the below memo: “There are many cabins, lodges, and private property along the proposed route and the project will need to consider land ownership. right-of-way acquisitions, subsistence etc.”

There is an AIDEA meeting next week (April 15th, 2020) and a Memorandum of Understanding for Phase II of this project is on the agenda.

NOTE: The two mile extension road and bridges to cross the Little Su are just a tiny, initial part of the proposed road project. The total cost of a lengthy road into this area was estimated at $500 million plus depending on the chosen route per the State’s 2014 Road to Resources Study.