Goodwill Industries recently applied for a Conditional Use Permit to establish a retail store in Wasilla. The CUP was heard at a City of Wasilla Planning Commission meeting last week on March 10th.
Goodwill Industries is in the process of purchasing the old Johnson’s Tire Building located next to Creekside Plaza on the Palmer Wasilla Highway. This huge 25,000 square foot building has been for sale for quite a while. It was listed for sale by ReMax for almost $4 million.

The City of Wasilla staff recommended approving the permit with just a few conditions including adding a sidewalk and more landscaping.
Here are some relevant documents from the Planning Meeting Packet.

They are one of the most greedy thrift stores. I honestly don’t feel like they have good intentions for the valley. They were in my hometown and they still don’t offer much good. The thrift stores we already have will offer more to our community than Goodwill who will drive out our locally owned stores.
Good I hope they shut No Value Village down!
Right and put your money where the C.E.O. gets most of it? The Goodwill has no Goodwill for anyone but themselves!!!
Well at least their prices (while awful) aren’t as bad as No Value Village. These aren’t “thrift” stores any longer and no bargain for people trying to decorate their homes or clothe themselves with affordable used things. Saw badly scuffed Dansko shoes at NVV for $35! A vase for $29.99! WTH?
I would go to Value Village way long before I would go to Goodwill!!! Not only do their stores smell musty the C.E.O. gets paid far too much. Honestly, they charge just as much as Value Village if not more!!