The MSB, which is in the process of purchasing the Tommy Moe building in downtown Wasilla for $1,285,000, paid the owner – Palmer Tower LLC – almost $500,000 to lease a portion of this building – the warehouse space in the back – for the past 11 years.
Blog Post Tommy Moe bldg purchase & land exchange:
Here is the original six month lease which was signed in Nov 2007. The MSB leased a section the warehouse for $1500 a month. At first this was a six month lease, and then it was extended to an ongoing month to month lease. NOTE: The MSB agreed to pay for most of the utilities (heat, electric, telephone, snow removal.)
Then, in February, 2010, the MSB decided to lease all of the warehouse space – not just a section of it and the rent increased from $1500 a month to $4,000 a month.
Here are the complete documents – leases and invoices:
PRR Stroup RE Tommy Moe Building Payments 10-2007 – 7-2019
PRR Stroup re Tommy Moe Building Lease
UPDATE – Well, this is peculiar. According to these minutes from a recent Central MatSu FSA Board of Supervisors meeting (main fire dept in MSB), the Tommy Moe building was built in 2007 with the intention of it being the Emergency Operations Center. Hmm…why did a private entity build something specifically for a gov’t purpose?