At the Port Commission meeting this week (January 21, 2019), the Port Operations Manager gave a presentation on her proposed FY2020 Budget. Included in the presentation was a notation that FY2020 proposed wages have not been calculated but “add an estimate of 120K.” Let’s analyze this – 120K per year…
Posts tagged as “Friends & Relatives”
This is on the Agenda at next week’s MSB Parks and Recs Advisory Committee Meeting (to be held out in Willow – which seems like an odd place to hold this meeting considering the Jim Creek Master Plan is at issue!) This is a follow-up to my UFVs and UFOs…
There is a Planning Commission Meeting on April 2, 2018 and UFVs and UFOs are on the agenda. Resolution 18-09 is being introduced. The MSB planning staff is advising the Planning Commission to adopt this resolution recommending that the MSB Assembly approve Ordinance 18-021. What is Ordinance 18-021??? An amendment/update to…
(4/10/18) Update: The MSB is still working hard on the Wolf Lake Plan. Here is a map they made (dated 3/15/18) for the proposed Wolf Lake Aviation Overlay District. There is a Joint Planning Commission/Platting Board meeting tonight (March 5, 2018) at 6 p.m . in the Assembly Chambers. Here…