A source told me that the Manager issues monthly “Confidential” Memos to the Assembly Members.
These memos contain all the important information about what he is working on and what is really going on at the MSB. These are different than the public “Manager’s Reports” which are on the website (and used to be issued every month but are now only posted irregularly.)
“For Show” Only?
I have long suspected that the Assembly Meetings are “Show Meetings” where nothing much is really discussed or decided…Everything (esp. all the “Economic Development” stuff) that truly matters happens behind closed doors.
For example, the Manager and Internal Auditor and Attorney were in discussions for almost two years with the Alberta to Alaska project folks…This is potentially a huge waste of their time…Before they started the talks or starting drafting and negotiating legal contracts, they should have come to the public and asked if this project was something we were interested in pursuing. It would have saved a lot of time and $ if the answer was no. Bitumen is controversial. Logging is also controversial. So – the MSB staff needs to bring these ideas forward to the public at the beginning of the process.
Summary: Can someone please do a Public Records request for these Manager’s Monthly Memos going back five years?
These “memos” need to be posted online on a regular basis. The Manager and Assembly member cannot conduct business behind closed doors. The public needs and deserves to have the same information that our reps have so that we can evaluate how our reps are voting and/or we can speak up about certain items at the meetings.
Here is what the city of Berkeley, California does – it posts all “off agenda” memos on their website.
[…] https://matsumuckraker.com/2019/01/20/confidential-managers-memos/ […]