The link here (, takes you to the District’s Financial Page and lists the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) from fiscal year (FY)09 through FY16. These financial statements are audited. In addition to the CAFRs, the District also publishes an adopted budget book by fiscal year. The adopted budget books from FY14-FY17 are available. Additionally, the District’s FY18 preliminary adopted budget is available as well. This document will be updated when the School Board votes to adopt the FY18 budget. (This typically occurs in June).
If you open the FY18 Preliminary Adopted Budget link this will open the corresponding budget book. In this document the following tables should fulfil your information request.
Historic Expenditure Summary by Location. Starts on page 70. On page 71 it lists the Office of the Superintendent (Superintendent coded here), Business & Operations (Assistant Superintendent of Business & Operations coded here), Education & Instruction (Assistant Superintendent of Instruction coded here) and Student Support Services (Student Support Supervisors coded here).
Additionally, the following tables provide historical information (FY14, FY15, FY16 actual expenditures) and budgeted information (FY17 and FY18) for each of those specific locations broken out by object code and full time equivalent (FTE) staffing information by location.
Office of the Superintendent Page 250-251
Business & Operations Page 240-241
Office of Instruction Page 224-225
Student Support Services Page 218-219
District Administration is all coded to function 510. Function 550 is for Administrative support that is housed in the District’s Administrative Offices, Purchasing Department, and District Warehouse. Those costs are included in the historic expenditure summary by function by object on page 67-68.
School year July 2013 – June 2014:
School year July 2014 – June 2015:
School year July 2015 – June 2016:
School year July 2016 – current
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